Legal notice


Information pursuant to § 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):

Fine Principles
Alexandra Schwarzwald
c/o Wonder
Prenzlauer Allee 186
10405 Berlin, Germany

Please note — To protect my privacy, this address is used for correspondence.

VAT Number (according to §27a Value Added Act) DE356814260
Responsible for the content according to § 55 para. 2 RStV: Alexandra Schwarzwald

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which can be reached at I’m unwilling or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Any reproduction or redistribution in any other medium requires the written consent of Alexandra Schwarzwald.

The contents were created with care and to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, I assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


Graphics, product images, and texts are created by Alexandra Schwarzwald and are the exclusive copyright property of Alexandra Schwarzwald.


Editorial images by Mirja Zentgraf, packaging images by Norman Posselt, and manufacture image by Kalman Hafner GmbH. Model is Sarah Batt by VIVA models.


Space Grotesk by Florian Karsten.


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